No problem from me Joseph - I wasn't exactly sure of the "tone" of your
message, although the caps on the one word did make it sound like you might
have been using a not-so-nice tone....     I tried not to take it that

Although I haven't had any of your other questions come up in my own
genealogy (but I did know a rape victim who became pregnant through the
rape) - here is how I would probably handle the issues in Legacy....

1) Test-tube or Doner babies.....

Mother would have all her info of course.   I'd either use the default
"Unknown" father, or add a father named something thrilling like "Sperm
Doner" and of course boxes like "This couple never married" checked off
etc....   I think I'd lean towards the Unknown father, and having
appropriate comments in the notes

2) Surragate Mother....

There would be a few variations on this because there are variations of
surragate mothers....  There are 4 variations I can think of....   1 - Sperm
and Egg from the couple that are the parents  2) Sperm from a doner, Egg
from the mother that will be the parent   3) Sperm from the father that will
be the parent, Egg from a doner, or the surragate mother (that might be 2
variations I guess....) and 4) Sperm and Egg from a doner (once again, a
sub-variation is the Egg is from the surragate mother....)

Basically, I would have the child linked to the parents that are raising the
child.  Probably everything else about it in notes, that could be
private.    If the "genetics" of it is important, you could also link the
child with other parents to reflect the origin of the sperm and egg
(whichever) - and the child status setup....    If really important to you,
you could also add a link to the surragate mother as a parent, with the
child status setup.....     But again, for the most part I would personally
just have the 1 parent link (to the parents raising the child), and the
other stuff in notes.

3) Rape Victim Child....

This is a tough one because of the sensitivity of the whole thing.   I would
have the mother's info, and the father set to the default unknown, with the
stuff in notes, possible to be made private.   The big problem of course is
if the Rape information is made private (and assuming the people are all
alive), it makes it look like the victim doesn't know who the father was
because of her morals instead of the actual circumstances.... but at the
same time, if you put the Rape info so all can see, well that is a hard
thing to be reminded of or told to just anyone too.   Of course, someone in
this position already has to deal with the circumstances anyway.

4) Clone  (I know you didn't mention it, but someone else did....)

Well, as there isn't a human clone yet, it is all academic....  I think in
theory the parents are the parents of the original person who was
cloned.....     but some people might say there is 1 parent - the original
person.    In any case, hopefully I won't have to deal with this question!

On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 9:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Heather, this brings up another aspect of charting children.  Consider, a
> woman has a test tube baby by an unknown father (donor)....   How does one
> do that one??   ...Serugate mothers (is that the same)?  Rape victims who
> get pregnant by an unknown assailant??
> This is getting rather interesting to me.
> Joseph
> p.s.  Sorry if I'd offended you with my previous response.

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