Kathy: Make sure you do a database maintenance check at least twice in a row...then do a power off reboot. It sounds like you may have a "ghost marriage" or two lurking in the background. Also running "treefinder" might turn up some stray twigs who are hoping to be come trees. With any multiple marriages, you can usually see a number on the marriage icon. Please note that even though there may be only one "official" marriage, Legacy considers any partnership that result in a birth as being a marital union and will therefore record it as a marriage...In the instance you are describing, she should have 2 marriages...check both her and both of her partners to see if there are duplicates...and keep us posted...
Kathy Shiell-Stokes

 ...SNIP...I re-added my cousin's husband that I somehow
managed to delete.  I'm not sure how that happened really as there are
usually enough warnings that there are connections to children and spouses
and I didn't see them.... SNIP

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