Two days ago I posted a query  which I have not found in any of the user
group email, nor have I received any replies. So here it is again:

"Somehow, I find I have have several duplicates of Family files entered in
Legacy. What is the proper way to identify and delete the extras?"

To clarify, I ran a potential problems report and in correcting several
problems I found that I have two identical records for two different
families. I was surprised to find them and have no idea as to what I did to
create them. I am also surprised that Legacy never warned me that I was
duplicating a record. I suspect there may be others, but am not sure. My
questions are: (1) Is there a way to identify families with duplicate
records? And (2) After identifying them what is the correct way to deal with
them, i.e. should they be deleted (and how) or should they be merged (and
how) or is there some other method? And (3) How do I avoid creating
duplicates in the future?

I hope this is clear and would greatly appreciate any answers and advice on
this problem.

Bill R.

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