
Thanks Ron,  I'm pretty sure I figured it out.  In case anyone else wants to do 
it, here's what I did.  First I did a focus group of all my ancestors.  Then 
tagged them with tag #1.  Next I did a search: Search/Find, Individual/Tag 1/ 
equal to/ tagged.  Second Condition: And/ Individual/ Alt. surname/ not equal 
to/ blank.

The list I have seems to show the names that have an AKA.  Now I can sort 
through them and create an event for transcription errors.

--- On Wed, 6/17/09, ronald ferguson <> wrote:


You can skip the focus group and just do the search for 1st condition Alt first name and use OR for the 2nd condition Alt surname. I Then tagged everyone with a convenient unused tag.

For the Event I created "Name - Varient" and just included description. I use a program called stickies (They look like yellow stickies on the desk top) set to stay on top. I can then cut and paste to the Stickie and transfer to the Event. Fairly quick and easy. I'm still playing with it but it looks OK so far.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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