Well, I made a custom event for obituaries. There is general one already, but mine allows me to include everything from an obit, pall bearers (they could be family members and relatives), speakers, singers, etc. In addition I also include funeral home information- what if the deceased is related to someone at the funeral home? So I made a custom event for everything I wanted to keep from an obit, and so far, it works well for me.


At 2009-07-15  06:17 PM, you wrote:
A few days ago, I posed what I thought was a problem with end notes in version 97 - it turns out there is no problem - just me....

Subject topic - What are the recommendations or group thoughts on where to put Obituary text? I have placed most of them in the event area and entered the obitiuary/writeup into the text/comments block. When I prepare a Book/Narrative, these appear in the end notes. Now I am wondering if placing them in the General notes would be more appropriate. When reading a book, the general notes appear right below the individual in lieu of being a concise entry showing the idata is at the end.

In accounting there are' Generally Accepted Accounting Practices' - so is the 'Generally Accepted Genealogical Entry' for such items. Or - is it a personal preference?


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