Sounds good to me. I like it. A few more steps of explanation please. I just did a preview, and from what I am seeing, if "John Doe" appears in notes on page 37, then I would enter John Doe as an unlinked individual, and "cross-reference" them to page 35? Is that what you are saying? I have a question if I may- what happens when the pages change, say in the future John Doe is moved from page 35 to page 38? It looks like a lot of manual work each time I update the book. Do I have the suggestion correct?

And yes, I may find a relationship later on particular with obituaries!



At 2009-07-31  09:12 PM, you wrote:
Why not create an 'unlinked individual' ?
Cross reference them to the person concerned in that individuals general
notes. (E.g. A witness to a wedding that is not family). Then you will have
the individual in the file always.
You never know, you might find a relationship later on!!


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