
It is a bug and is recorded in our tracking system. The same problem occurs with the en dash Alt 0150.

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Jenny M Benson wrote:
When I quote text from documents, newspapers, etc I like to make the transcription as accurate as I possibly can, so I copy all punctuation, abbreviations, etc.

In newspaper BMD announcements in particular, the use of the em dash is quite common. I have been using Alt-0151 to insert the em dash where required, for example "Benson—On the 4th...", when entering text into Event Notes or Source Detail Text.

However, I have now noticed that if I open that screen again there have been 2 spaces added after the em dash, "Benson— On the 4th..." If I make some change and save that screen, next time I go in there will be 2 *more* spaces inserted after the em dash. If I don't re-save the screen just the 2 spaces remain. If I delete the spaces and save the screen there will be 2 spaces again next time I open it.

Now, is this a true bug or am I, in using the extended character set,
asking for something which Legacy is not designed to do?

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