I was thinking about offering the same thing so many thanks to Ron for his
assistance in this. Some intermediate and advanced Windows users feel
comfortable about making program changes to the Registry and in many
instances it is the only means of getting a stubborn program to properly
un-install or re-install.

Which brings up a good point. I know Adobe and many other major/minor
software suppliers offer some sort of "registry cleaner" utility which
usually wipes all known locations of the program from the Registry. Then a
normal re-installation can proceed without problems. Why doesn't Millennia
Corp. create such a utility? I certainly think there would be a need for it.


-----Original Message-----
From: MJ Harper [mailto:mjohar...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 12:41 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Can't Recover Functionality from Crash

At 08:33 AM 9/2/2009, you wrote:
>Search - using: *.log - will find all log files on your computer 
>(ie: *.txt will find all text files or *.jpg will find all jpg files 
>and so forth)

Thanks, I tried that last night.  After a very long time of Search 
going through the entire hard drive, it had only turned up 21 
instances of .log, and none of them were Legacy.  In the meantime, 
Ron wrote off list offering to walk me through the changes necessary 
in the Registry (which is where I suspected the problem was at the 
beginning of all this).  I'll be getting back to him shortly, and 
expect that the changes he suggests there will solve the problem of 
not being able to uninstall.  I appreciate your suggestions, though.

Mary Jo   

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