Is there a way to create a Family Group Report that retains the
formatting and the individual & event pictures but has the ability to
move the Notes to the beginning of the report?

I tried .txt but that loses the pictures and the bold headlines and
text (I know I can manually add the photos and change each headline
and other text to bold but that's very time consuming for how many
families I have).

I tried .pdf but it can't be changed to OCR which is required for me
to move the Notes section to the beginning of the report (I assume
because there's pictures which are graphics?).

I tried .html but I can't move the Notes section.

If I copy it to the clipboard, it's a graphic of the report and I
can't move the Notes section.

I tried sending the Descendant and Descendant Narrative reports to
.rtf but they do not contain the event pictures.

If there's no way to do it, I'll use the Descendant Narrative in .rtf
because it's the least changes but it doesn't look as nice as the
Family Group Report.


Cathy Vallevieni
Orange County, CA

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