It seems to me that every time you find a source that applies to your
genealogy, you should add it to the event and person, assign it a surety
level and comment on its quality, i.e., primary/secondary, Original/derivate
record, who created it, when, for what purpose, information, and your
concerns.  This can be put in the comments tap of the source citation.  If
there are many events I usually put general comments in the main source and
specific individual events in the Detailed Source, Comment tab.

After having several sources for an event and analyze them to propose a
conclusion of fact.  This can be done in the research notes, and always
include a discussion of negative facts.

If you include all sources for an event and evaluate conflicting "facts" in
your analysis and base you conclusion on all related sources.

In the NGS Quarterly, Vol. 97, No. 3, September 2009, and in the Editor's
Corner; entitled: "The Peril of Certainty". Voltaire quotes (Doubt is not
pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd)

It most cases we won't have perfect sources, and must base fact by analyzing
all related sources and determine the best "Fact" for the event.

The more separate sources you have for an event and their analysis the
better Certainty you'll get, buy as Voltaire states ... (certainty is
absurd)  Genealogy is an imperfect science and based on imperfect records.
So, the best we can is to find the "best-truth" we can, share your results
with others, and be willing to entertain change.


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