On 29/09/2010 16:41, Pam Westmeyer wrote:
> I truly appreciate everyone's help and input.  Please donÂ’t think me
> ungrateful.  But this is exactly what I'm talking about unless I'm looking
> at it incorrectly.  On the lower right corner of Legacy Charting, it shows
> how the chart will look.  As an example, let's say I want the chart 3' tall
> and 20' long to encompass the size of chart I want.  It APPEARS that the
> chart is scrunched into the upper left hand corner and the rest of the paper
> is empty.

I think that the size of the actual chart depends on 3 factors - the
number of boxes, the size of the boxes and the position of the boxes.
The number of boxes is dependent on the number of individuals included
in the chart, the size of them depends on how many fields are in them
and the size of your font.

First of all, select a font size that gives you readable text - perhaps
a little larger than usual for a wall chart.

Now when you got to Publish and select Order Chart, on the right hand
side you will see that you have a choice of 3 paper sizes - 24", 36" and
42".  You will probably want to select Landscape orientation.  If you
select 24" and see underneath it says "2 pages" (or more) it means that
the number of *generations* you have selected will not display in that
depth on one sheet, so try 36" or 42".  The width of your chart (that
is, the length of the piece of paper required) will automatically adjust
to accommodate the width of your chart.

I have created a chart of 12 generations with a fairly standard-sized
font and up to 5 or 6 lines of information in the boxes.  That fits
nicely on to 36" paper and is 69' wide.  You are making it difficult for
yourself by stipulating both required depth and width.  I think you need
to get the chart readable, select the paper depth accordingly and just
accept whatever width your finished chart will be.
Jenny M Benson

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