There should be no "struggle" about whether to use a Clipboard.  If you are 
attaching the same Event to more than one person, or the same Source to more 
than one person (or more than one piece of data for a person), you are wasting 
your time if you DON'T use the Clipboards.  Why anyone would want to re-type 
the information over and over again, when all that is needed is a couple of 
mouse-clicks, is beyond my comprehension.

And BTW, there are more than two Clipboards in Legacy:  there is also a To Do 
Clipboard.  (To Do is a very powerful and possibly one of the most 
underutilized features in Legacy).

I strongly encourage anyone who is afraid of or has not used the various 
Clipboards to try them a few times, with a Sample database if necessary.  They 
will change your Legacy life, I promise.


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