
My answer is it depends upon (1) my research goals, and (2) how much time I 
have.  For some ancestors, for whatever reason, I'm more interested in tracking 
their descendants; for others, I'm mostly interested in finding their parents, 
or reconstructing the history of their lives.

But I definitely record female lines of descent, not just male lines carrying 
the surname.  Partly because it irks me to think that females would somehow be 
considered not worthy of being recorded (I'm just as related to my maternal 
great-great grandfather as I am to my paternal great-great grandfather; you're 
not more related to your paternal great-great grandfather because you carry his 

There is a practical reason to record the descent of both males and females:  
it is often the female lines that carry the family history, the traditions, the 
photographs, etc.

As a practical matter, I try to identify and record all the children and 
grandchildren of each of my ancestors.  Often, though, I will go well beyond 
the grandchildren level if I happen to find the information.

My two cents...


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