
>From previous comments in this thread, you will no doubt have seen that there 
>is a bug relating to this function in the current release version of Legacy, 
>which, hopefully, has been attended to. The CPU usage by no means indicates a 
>loop, simply that it is working at close to its maximum capacity; this is 
>normal if one is to get the best speed performance from your PC.

There is, how ever, a work around, and that is to create your own file from 
scratch. If you look at the existing timeline files which you will find in your 
Legacy folder>Timelines – open this folder, select the language and you will 
see that they are simply text files which can be opened in any text editor and 
which use “|” for the end of field and “{\n}” for the end of a record.

Just write the list which you require and save the text file in the appropriate 
language folder. I actually prefer to use this method rather than the Legacy 
option, which is probably why I had not spotted the bug.

Ron Ferguson

From: Perk Bingham
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Timelines to download

Hello all who very kindly responded.  I was truly not aware of the Timelines 
editor. And when I was told about it, went there with great hopes for a 
timeline of the various composer's lives as well as the ones I mentioned in my 
other posts.

OK so far, I've entered a Description for the file, but when I click on "Save", 
the program just locks up and I have to kill it & reload it. This has happened 
numerous times in the past day or so.    Nothing seems to have been effected 
or injured by the crash when I reload it and, during the time it's locked up 
other programs seem to work normally.

For those who know about such things I have a small indicator of CPU usage that 
sits in the System Tray (lower right of the screen) and though I don't always 
pay attention to it, I have noticed that when the "lock-up" occurs it jumps up 
to about 92 to 97% usage. It must be in a loop or such.

Thanks again for all the help, I promise to try to be more observant in the 

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek & Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar, & Nichol (in Ontario & UK)

On 1/9/2011 6:44 AM, Virginia Dunham wrote:
Out of curiosity...have you clicked on the "Help" button and searched
on "Timelines" explains about creating new timelines...


On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Perk Bingham wrote:
Thanks Ellen,

I guess what I'm looking for are additional timeline files, some that would
be a bit more specific such as the wars that Finland fought against the
Soviet Union (and lost all of them (:>)) and the various battles in our own
Revolutionary War.

As I see it the one in Finnish (Soumi) is only a listing of the leaders and
presidents. Failing finding a download, could one do the research as to the
dates and make and install their own?   I think it's only a text (.txt)

Thanks again for the quick response,

Perk (:>)
Washington State, USA

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