Legacy will not run from a thumb drive, but you could create a gedcom
in Legacy and then create a self-viewing gedcom in GENViewer, which
would allow you to show the data to your family without installing
anything on the person's computer.

Pictures are not included in gedcoms, however.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Roger Weeden <rogerwee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am planning an overseas trip and would like to take my Legacy file with me
> with all of the Data on a Thumb drive. At each relative who has a computer I
> would like to show the data from the Thumb Drive. The remove the Thumb Drive
> without leaving traces on their machine. Is this possible? And do I need and
> ad ons?
> If possible how do i go about it?
> Thanks,
> Roger

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