I've just done a little experiment creating web pages from Legacy.  The
results might be of interest.

First I created the web pages onto D:\genealogy\Web (a regular
mechanical hard disk) and copied them to C:\Legacy\Web (a solid state
disk).  Then I recreated exactly the same web pages and timed from
clicking the "There are already web pages here do you want to delete
them?" to the "Web pages successfully created" requester.

So.  To the HDD, when I said "Yes" to the deleting, it took 1 minute and
20 seconds to actually delete the old files and 2 minutes 15 seconds to
create the new.  3 minutes 35 secs total

To the SSD, it also took 1 minute 20 to actually delete the files (which
surprised me) but only 2 minutes and 5 seconds to create the pages.  3
minutes 25 total. Basically, having a SSD doesn't make much difference.

Most of the delete time is Windows 7 sitting on the "Preparing to
delete" phase.  Actual deletion takes a few seconds.

When I said "No", it took 2 mins exactly to create the files while
deleting the old ones on the fly, regardless of whether I used the SSD
or the HDD.  Less than when I said "Yes" to the delete.

The conclusion is that you should only delete all the old files first if
you are worried that there may be some pages for folk who are no longer
in the DB.  Otherwise it is just a waste of time.



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