
New GEDCOM:  From previous LUG discussions it sounds like it will be years 
before a new interchange standard replaces the current GEDCOM standard.

Legacy-RM Interchange:  RM is not of any relevance to me. Am I alone in this 

Specific SW Problems:  Gavin has illustrated a typical example of the 
SourceWriter GEDCOM problem. It has been reported to Legacy Support long ago. 
Try this: export a file and import it back into a test Legacy file. Create a 
report and look at your citations. All those that used a template of any 
complexity at all will have the words and phrases out of order (at best). This 
is not anecdotal. There is a clear cause. In attempting to preserve the 
master/detail relationship within the GEDCOM, the fields get shuffled into a 
different order. My idea of a workaround is to flatten each citation out into a 
mostly Detail citation, with the words formatted as in a normal Legacy report.

Collaborating Online:  I would think that exporting a significant chunk of 
Legacy data to a web-based tree usually involves the same GEDCOM interchange, 
aside from special implementations like FamilySearch Family Tree. Anyway, if a 
newly-found cousin/researcher wants to import a significant portion of my tree, 
seeing it online won’t help them. I have to send them a file. Usually they 
barely know how to operate the software that they have (often FTM) and are not 
open to starting over with a new product just to accommodate me. If their tree 
is only online (e.g., Ancestry), then yes, they could grant me access to add my 
branch interactively. Painful.

Am I making my case, yet, that GEDCOM export is a vital component of any new 
feature design?


From: John B. Lisle
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: Exporting Shared Events [WAS: Re: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events]


Thanks for your note.

Please see below...


At 05:18 PM 12/5/2013, Ward Walker wrote:

  Jay and John,

  I don’t expect these features/structures to be re-imported intact into the 
target system (whether another product or back into Legacy).

I do expect, at some time in the future, that Gedcom will have an option to 
export SW Sources in a form that they can be re-imported into Legacy perfectly. 
Not being the programmer, I do not know what the issues are.

  What I meant by ‘workaround’ is to bend these structures into the 
standard GEDCOM format. Shared events become separate events. (I acknowledge 
that something would have to be done with ‘roles’.)

Agree. At this point, let's walk before we run.

We already export so that RM can import them perfectly, and we can import RM's 

  SourceWriter sources already become Basic, but Legacy should re-order the 
information so that the basic source reads OK.

As far as I know, SW Sources exported into Gedcom as "Basic" are able to import 
into other programs. I know of no specific problems although I am sure some 
exist, either based on specific templates or types of included data.

--> One problem that has been reported on this list is that note fields on 
export in sources are not getting the formatting codes and space code 
conversions when they are requested in the export.

If you know of specific issues, not just anecdotal reports, then you need to 
get them to support so that they can be reviewed and included in the bug list.

  I said ‘option’ because there might be opportunities for competing 
vendors to do a more intelligent interchange. You are saying that RM and Legacy 
can interchange shared events via GEDCOM, so there must be a special way to 
encode the non-standard structures.

The two vendors seem to have "agreed" to adopt the same syntax. This same 
syntax has been presented to TNG (Web Publisher) for his future implementation 
of Shared Events. (TNG Users... if you want this in TNG soon, you really have 
to ask TNG to include it.)

  My wish is for an option that suits an unknown target system as best possible 
using only standard GEDCOM. I’ve never run into a cousin that uses RM.

As I said before, I want this too so I can use Shared Events. BUT... I want to 
let the implementation settle down as more should be coming. hopefully soon. ;-)

  BTW, I sympathize with the testing challenges. I was a software tester and 
test manager.

You might want to consider offering yourself up for the Test team. ;-)

  Perhaps it is time for Millennia to invest in some automated test cases for 
regression testing.

Above my pay grade... But possibly a thought moving forward. I introduced 
automatic testing to many companies before I retired. I am not current with 
what is in the market today, and, if it would fit with Millennia's development 

  But my complaint is with the design of new features. If I can’t send my 
digital data to a fellow researcher, even in a simplified state, then I better 
not use that feature. It is not fully implemented.

In my opinion, Legacy has the best balance of advanced customizable features 
and "non-proprietary" data of any of the major vendors. Personally, I try to 
get my fellow researchers to convert to Legacy so I can send them a Legacy 
backup file. And, if they do not want all of the data, ready to go, they get a 

In 2013, however, collaboration is not really done best by sharing files. It is 
done with web/cloud based solutions like TNG, Ancestry Files, Family Search 
Tree, etc.



  From: John B. Lisle
  Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 4:32 PM
  Subject: Re: Exporting Shared Events [WAS: Re: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events]


  I really wish to take exception to your "half implemented" comment.

  In the long run, the purpose of Gedcom is to communicate information to 
another product. Not all products have all of the same features.

  Shared events - as far as I know - only exist in Legacy, Roots Magic, and a 
variation in The Master Genealogist. Currently, the Gedcoms for RM and Legacy 
can interchange Shared events perfectly.

  Supposedly, TMG (not TNG!) does not import or export any Gedcoms that contain 
anything but Gedcom 5.5.1 standard tags so shared events (They call them 
Witnesses) do not escape from their bubble. (I have not played with TMG in a 
while, and, recently, I have had TMG users dispute this assertion but without 

  What neither RM or Legacy do is to create a Gedcom where Shared events are 
converted to regular events for Gedcom export. I do not believe that anyone has 
yet determined how this might look, yet.

  --> Note: It is likely that some further enhancements need to be made to 
Shared events so this conversion exercise might be done as part of any 
enhancements. One of the proposed enhancements is to add role notes onto the 
person sharing the event and including in the event sentences the ability to 
structure the Role Notes with the Main notes. In a Gedcom export to regular 
notes, would you have to add to the notes that the event was shared from 
someone else and this person participated as a <role>.

  There are currently several Gedcom options that are clearly designed to 
facilitate export to a 3rd party product. (eg, the 2 note conversions, the Q 
dates conversion.) When you do those conversion, you do not plan on 
re-importing those Gedcoms back into Legacy.

  I can tell you with confidence that these are not all easy changes. Each 
change is fraught with challenges with folks with existing family files that 
might be damaged.

  Almost every Gedcom export change has to be married to a Gedcom import change.

  When you start to add in Privacy concerns and partial gedcom export options, 
you have very difficult functionality to test. I personally did a lot of 
testing in this area and was only able to cover a fraction of all of the test 
cases that exist.

  I almost forgot to chat about SourceWriter Sources... again. These are a 
Legacy unique features. Each template comes with its own baggage with respect 
to Gedcom export. I believe that, when a new Template is created, the Gedcom 
export and import may sometimes be needed to be updated to support it. (I do 
not claim to be the SW expert among the testers so I do not look at this.)

  Being able to export a SW Source and then re-importing it into Legacy is 
really only an archival issue. The key is can Legacy Gedcom export convert a SW 
source into a standard "Basic" source without loss of content that can be in 
turn understood by most 3rd party products.


  At 03:20 PM 12/5/2013, Ward Walker wrote:


    I think it will be a long time before we have a new interchange standard 
that deals with these two features. To my thinking, whenever a software vendor 
implements a proprietary new feature for data entry (and internal data 
structure), they should implement a workaround for the export of the resulting 
data. From day one. Why would I want to send to my distant cousins a GEDCOM for 
which I have to apologize due to its garbled sources or missing events?

    The Legacy import process already has a few workarounds to accommodate 
non-standard quirks in GEDCOMs generated by other products. Why not workarounds 
for the two export issues? They both sound achievable at a reasonable cost.

    I’ve already gone down the SourceWriter road, but I can easily avoid 
shared events until this happens. They are a nifty feature that is only half 


    From: Jay 1FamilyTree
    Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 2:23 PM
    Subject: Re: Exporting Shared Events [WAS: Re: [LegacyUG] Shared vital 


    When the standards for Gedcom were created way back when, this 'new 
feature' wasn't even considered or even imagined.

    Don't blame the software for it, blame the standards that haven't been 

    Whatever browser you are using to read this email and view the web 
certainly isnt following the standards of the HTML 3.0 which was the first 
widely used and accepted standards for that category of electronic data.

    As Kristy said, the issue is wit the gedcom.


    On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 7:44 AM, Ward Walker <> wrote:
      I agree, Gavin. To me, this is equivalent to the problem with 
SourceWriter source citations. I have long advocated that Legacy reformat these 
into readable detail citations during the process of converting them into Basic 
sources for the GEDCOM export. It seems that Millennia does not believe that a 
usable GEDCOM export is important.

      Every proprietary new feature should have an option to be mashed into the 
primitive GEDCOM standard without loss of data.


      From: Gavin Nicholson
      Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 8:56 PM
      Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events

      Thanks Kirsty,

      Well I will be putting a change proposal in because it would be simple to 
export a copy of the events to each person. Yes it won't be shared anymore but 
that is far preferable to not existing at all. Essentially, with this as it is 
you can't use shared events and then give your data to anyone who doesnt use 
Legacy :-(

      Thanks for making us aware of this one.


      From: Kirsty M. Haining []
      Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2013 11:48 AM
      Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events

      Gavin, that is exactly what I’m saying. Using a gedcom export, the 
data shows up ONLY under the event initiator’s dataset.

      Keep in mind, however, that if you use Legacy to create your reports, 
charts, sharing via PDF files, etc. then the shared events should appear 
properly within the particular reports (according the report options 
you’ve chosen). The issue is with gedcom export.*




      *Or, technically, the issue arises anytime you’re using another 
software program to handle a Legacy file, be it gedcom or native FDB format.

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