Thanks Mike, I have submitted a suggestion for a general Option called 
Compressed Family View where
1) the Parents label can either be turned of or place on the LHS of the data 
2) the Integration Feature arrows are returned to the same place as Leg7.5 and 
remove the line under {your idea}
3) the Childrens label is placed to LHS of children data fields and othe 
childrens features similarly placed on RHS of said data fields
4) remove the line under the children's data fields.

This will result in saving 4 lines and nearly bring the font size back to that 
of a similarly sized window of Legacy7.5 Family View. The Toolbars still take 
up more space that 7.5 unless you want to put up with them minimised and have 
extra mouse control (not something I enjoy with a Laptop).

Alan Pereira

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Fry []
Sent: 10 December 2013 11:17
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Field Descriptors in Family View

On 2013/12/10 13:02, Alan Pereira wrote:

> I have noticed that the field desciptors of "Parents" and "Children"
> that appear on Family View now take up a line each of visible space.
> Can these descriptors be turned off or moved to the left hand edge of
> the data fields so as to allow for a larger stretched font in a windowed view.

If it's more space you're after. Disable the integration with FamilySearch. 
Then the dark-grey arrows disappear leaving a blank space under the names of 
the Husband and Wife. This space could also be reclaimed.

Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)

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