
Repeating previous user comments. Put everything you want to save in one
file. Two files lead to a lot more work and confusion. I know, I tried it.

Legacy has many options for selecting just the ancestors or descendants
of a specific person. One of the most useful options is creating a
"book" of all the DEAD descendants of an ancestor, which can be shared
without a risk of identity theft it gets in the hands of the wrong person.

Do be sure you use the [[   ]] to make info private in notes, sources,
and events that should not be shared with the world.

And backup to an external hard drive and/or the cloud every time you
close the program or make changes or additions-at least daily.

You can put e-mail and other correspondence in the general notes or
sources or other locations so that years later you will still have the
info available, even if you lose your e-mail files.

Jay Ingalls
On 6/16/2014 6:04 PM, Dan Farbman wrote:
> Hi All;
> I'm new to Legacy and have a question.
> I'm compiling two family files using Legacy8, one for my family and
> one for my wife's family. My question is how to "sync" the entries for
> myself, my wife and our children in both files. Is there a way to
> avoid entering the data twice?
> Thanks for your help.
> Dan Farbman
> dfarb...@yahoo.com
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