I put things like [Bad Data?] or [Wrong husband?] or [See Notes!] in the
given name field. That is always visible. May also put a better
explanation in the persons general notes.

Jay Ingalls
On 8/14/2014 3:06 PM, Pat Hickin wrote:
> Let's say you have info about a John Doe, b 1783, but you're not sure
> he's the _right_ John Doe and and that you have entered children,
> wife, bdm info, census info, whatever,  that actually belong to a
> different John Doe.
> How do you alert yourself and/or others to the problem.  I've been
> putting it in the christening field in caps w/ excl points:  "!!MAY BE
> THE WRONG JOHN DOE!!" but it doesn't seem very professional,  I'm sure
> there's a better way and I'm wonder how others handle such problems.
> Pat
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