I'm using v8.0.0.467, Win7.  This latest release has introduced a problem
in creating event notes.  When I try to highlight a portion of a sentence
by making it bold and/or underlined, a couple of extra spaces are
introduced before that portion of the sentence as well as after it, but
before the comma or semicolon leading to the rest of the sentence.  This
has not happened before.  Those extra sentences are also underlined if u/l
is used.

Does anyone else see this happening?  For example:

He was head of a household that included his wife, Elza, age 39; and
children Samantha, age 17;...etc.  This becomes: He was head of a household
that included his*  wife, Elza, age 39 *; and children Samantha, age
17..... etc.

This unfortunate error occurs only after one saves the event.  Opening it
again will display the problem.  This error is repeatable.  It does not
appear when I open an existing event that already has some highlighting of
this type.  However if I undo the highlighting there, and then redo it, the
error appears.  Thus it appears to me that the problem was introduced by
release 467.


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