Good Morning,
Jane poses a good question and a nice way to do specific research.

I would do this:
1. Find the particular Ancestor in question on the index - bring up the family page 2. Go at least two generations back from that Ancestor [his or her G Grandparents.]
3. Export to a Ged com. Using the 'record Select button'
4. Notice that it is necessary to have a way to isolate the particular individuals - otherwise you will wind up making a gedcom of your entire database.

Now, here is the fun part.
Create either a focus group with the Ancestors G Grand Parents and descendents or
Tag that set of G Grand Parents and descendents

Then go back to Export and create a gedcom of that particular set of people.

Import the new specific Gedcom back into legacy as a separate database and you have it set to use.

Los Osos, CA

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