I had a similar problem when converting from Familytreemaker to Legacy.
The real problem here is the */Gedcom standard/* which is way out of date and can't handle image information. There was a recent attempt to modify the standard but nothing seems to have come of it. What I had to do was to centralize all my images and then, one by one, connect them to people in my Legacy file. One helpful tool in Legacy is the 'Picture Center' which allows the user to go through the collected images and the file individuals and connect the two.
Jerry Case
On 11/7/2017 2:38 PM, Andreas Soeli wrote:

A friend and I have shared family data for 20 years, each of us adding new people, and now and then we join them by adding my new people to his system via gedcom. We have used an old DOS system, Family Edge. I have been non-active the last years, but now I will start again. Meanwhile my friend has converted to Legacy 8, and I have also installed it. My Legacy 9 is empty. My friend has connected more than 2000 pictures to the persons (impossible in Fam.Edge.) I exported a gedcom file from his system and imported it to my system, but the pictures were omitted.

I tried 2 diff. methods: Under Export, gedcom: 'Make file for Legacy', and .fdb: 'Export to a new Legacy file'  (My Legacy is in norwegian), but without success.
To save a lot of work I want to import the links to pictures as well.

I tried another way: I copied the entire Legacy Family Tree directory (close to 300 GB) from his PC to an USB disk, hoping this would work ok. But NO. I can not find any .fdb file to open. All the more than 700 files at DATA-directory are all zipped.

Do anyone have a solution for me ?

Thanks in advance, Andreas Søli

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