It would be easier to tag the modified individuals and export the tag group to a new file and work from that. You import this smaller file into your master file and use Tools - Merge - Intellishare merge since the file has the same origin as your Master.

OR you could open the smaller file on the same computer as your Master using Split Screen view and copy and paste between files.


Next time, Update your laptop with the latest version of your database before using the laptop and then when you've finished using the laptop update the desktop with the now latest version from the laptop.
It may seem a drag at the time but it's far more efficient in the long run.

Here are some ways to do that.
Backup to the Legacy Cloud and restore from the Legacy Cloud on the other computer. Backup to a thumb drive or other USB drive and restore on the other computer. OR you can actually keep your data file on a thumb drive and move it from one computer to the other making sure you are opening the file on the thumb drive (or other external drive - but a thumb drive is most convenient). If you do this make sure you have backups elsewhere as when thumb drives fail, they really fail. OR keep your data file in the cloud. I wouldn't do this as my internet connection isn't good enough but here's an article on it: <http://news.legacyfamilytree.com/legacy_news/2018/07/tuesdays-tip-working-in-the-cloud-advanced.html>


Ian Thomas wrote:

I have a changed version of my Legacy database on a laptop, with records changed there over the last 2 months but not on my desktop which I regard as my "master" (only, until now). During the time using the laptop a relatively small number of individuals have had changes made - and I need to update the desktop version before erasing the database on the laptop.
My idea of how to approach this -
I have used a Search/Find to create a list of records that I have changed (on a laptop version of my Legacy FT database) - using just the "Individual Modified Date after 7 Aug 2018" - which gives me up to 245 records requiring some updating to my desktop database. Having this situation is certainly awkward, and how it occurred is not important, but apart from a small number of records most will be easily updated by visually comparing with desktop and laptop side by side, guided by a suitable list.
The search gave "245 Names including Alternate and Married Names".
What is the best way to produce a report from the on- the-road laptop,  to guide my one-by-one manual updating  of the desktop Legacy database? I think I should uncheck the Alternate Names, keep the Married option, and Print as PDF choosing a large number of the field options to be included.
The RIN will not be entirely reliable.

Regards, Ian Thomas
Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia

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