Not sure that there is any formal statement on use of mixed case surnames so here is my take on the change.

All Uppercase surnames are a holdover from the days BC (before computer) where genealogical records and reports were either hand written or typewritten. All Uppercase surnames were used to highlight and give emphasis to surnames making them more visible.

Nowadays it is so easy to have the computer change the display and/or output of surnames in all uppercase when needed that now it is just easier to use Initial Caps or mixed case in surnames and let the computer do the work of translation to uppercase when needed.

It is much more difficult to translate an all uppercase surname to mixed case because of surnames which have an internal uppercase letter like McKenzie, MacDougal VanGough etc. The computer cannot correctly change the case from uppercase to mixed case in those cases.

Brian Kelly

On 11-May-20 11:33 p.m., Terry Montgomery wrote:
Can someone tell me why the convention is NOT all-caps? I have just found it useful.

Terry Montgomery

On 12/05/2020 5:15 am, Tessa Keough wrote:
I say turn off the warning (as mentioned previously) AND you own your family tree(s) and those people are in your genealogy software (you own Legacy, it doesn't own you). If and when you want to share online or elsewhere and feel the need, you could switch over to Initial Cap for surname (or keep with All Cap). This is not one of the errors/problems like not using the correct date format so that internationally we all know what we are talking about - you do you!

/*Tessa Keough*/

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 8:38 AM Brian Kelly < <>> wrote:

    You can turn off that warning for all by going to Tools > Potential

    Click on the Standardization tab and remove the check in the "Surname
    Entered in all uppercase" box

    Brian Kelly

    On 11-May-20 6:53 a.m., Gillian Hakli wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I tidied up my Legacy files, combining duplicates and so on.
    > is now fine except that I keep getting a red problem circle
    telling me
    > that my surnames are all in uppercase. But they're supposed to
    be. I've
    > entered them that way in Customise, Data Format 3.3 and 3.4. And
    > on Apply. I've exited Legacy and gone in again, but there they
    still are.
    > Please, can you help.
    > Gillian

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