
First search for everyone who has something in their General Notes
Search > Find > Detailed Search Tab
Look for individuals where Notes General NOT Equal to blank leave what to look for empty From the Search list you can use options > Print to create a custom report which includes the General Notes You can include identifying information like name, RIN, Dates etc to identify to whom the notes belong.

This will create a custom report for everyone who has something in their notes.

You could also use the search list to tag everyone with notes, add a Hashtag or create Family Group or Individual Chart reports for these individuals.

Brian Kelly

On 07-Jan.-21 9:22 a.m., Debbie Medeiros wrote:

Does anyone know if you can run a report with the information that is in all the Notes General section? I want to see how I have put the notes in for everyone in the database, so I can be consistent. I also want to run a report with the media gallery under Display Picture to find how I put in the Caption, Date and Description information.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


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