[FirstHe/she] entered into a [-Eventname] with [Desc] [ondate] in [place]

Not sure if I got the replaceable text field names correct but you can use the correct ones to get a sentence reading "Jane entered into a civil partnership with Sally Ride on 16 Mar 2021 in Swindon, Wiltshire, England. In a list of Events the sentences will alternate the person's first name with He or She based on gender of the person. That gives a little variation to break up the monotony.

Brian Kelly

On 16-Mar.-21 11:04 a.m., Jenny M Benson wrote:
What word would other LUGgers use in the following circumstance.  I want to create a sentence for a Civil Partnership Event which reads:

Civil Partnership:  on 16 March 2021 she ... Jane Doe.

I know how to set up the Sentence (the name of the partner will be entered in the Desc field) but it's the wording in place of ... that I am wondering about.

The person who told me about this partnership of his relative said they "married" (his inverted commas) and I originally wrote that, but now that marriage of same sex couples is allowed (in some countries) I don't want to use that word for a Civil Partnership.  I could say "was partnered with" but it's a bit repetitive when the Sentence begins with the title "Civil Partnership."


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