
Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> I wonder why release of data under the public domain might make Yahoo
> uneasy. It might actually make them less uneasy, since they could then
> do what they wanted with the data that was produced.

My hunch is that they *might* just have overstepped (or at least: very 
liberally interpreted) their own rights vis a vis the people they buy 
their aerial imagery from. - Ed Parsons once said that Google had to pay 
extra for "traceable" aerial imagery as the "normal" licenses would not 
have been suitable for using the material in an application like 
MapMaker. If none of us makes too much noise then we'll all get away 
with it - the people from whom Yahoo license their imagery might well 
know what we're doing but as long as it is limited to OSM they might not 
care too much as they can still sell their premium "traceable" licenses 
to other people.

Just a hunch though, might be completely off. Mikel Maron is the guy who 
had the talks with Yahoo so he's probably best suited to give you details.


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