On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:17:35AM +1100, Joseph Gentle wrote:
> I intended to have an overlay on my map which showed bus stops. This
> data would be collected from the local bus company.
> Under the old license, I couldn't use OSM because I couldn't share the
> overlay. It might not have been a problem - but I couldn't risk it.
> This got me wondering - what applications will never be written
> because of the OSM SA licensing?

Just to make clear, I’m very much in agreement that CC-by-sa is
unsuitable for OSM, and in favour of a new licence (ODbL, maybe) that
will clear some of the use cases up.

I’m just not about to stand down just because some people wanting to use
the data in a particular way don’t want to abide by share-alike terms

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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