On 9 Jan 2009, at 15:49, Brian Quinion wrote:

>> We are of course also awaiting confirmation that all trademark
>> applications have successfully been transfered into the foundation's
>> name (they were initial made in SteveC's own name). I hope that this
>> transfer will have been confirmed when the minutes of the 23rd
>> December 2008 Foundation directors meeting are published.
> http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dcs6phhk_35dkhtq2dj
> Mentioned that the trademark application had almost certainly failed
> so I suspect this is now null.

I believe the logo trademark application is still alive even though  
the name failed. I am in communication with the foundation to ensure  
that it is transferred properly

> On an unrelated point I'll be happy to help with the NaPTAN and NPTG
> data sets in any way I can.  I've got quite a bit of coding (c, c++,
> php, not much ruby or java) and data import experience as well as a
> lot of recent experience with osm data analysis (address search,
> cluster analysis, etc).  I'll add my name to the wiki page but wanted
> to make personal contact as well....

Great. We now have three people. Do please add your name. I will add  
David Earl's name and Oliver's
> BTW - you could make me very happy and tell me that the dataset
> includes the postcodes for all bus stops, don't suppose it does?

No, there are not postcodes assoicated with the data unfortunately


> Cheers,
> --
> Brian

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