I am proposing the update the text on the Use Cases page. I intend to  
merge some of the different Use Cases and introduce some new ones  
based on the problematic areas we are exploring on the list. I will  
also tweek the wording to make it clearer for the next legal review  
(especially the ones where the lawyer said he didn't understand).

I will create a verbatim copy of the contents of the current Use Case  
page to a new location 'Use Cases version 1' or something before I  

I think these Use Cases are going to end up being twins of an eventual  
FAQ that I imagine will exist. For example Use Case 1 might end up in  
the FAQ as 'I want to include a map produced by OSM data in my printed  
book/newsletter etc. Can I do this, how should I attribute it and what  
Licence should I use.  ' Answer' Yes you can, you should attribute it  
to OSM using text such as "This map contains information from 
, which is  made available here under the Open Database Licence  
(ODbL)." The attribution can either appear close to the map itself, an  
approach which will be suitable if there are other maps in the  
document form other sources, or you can include an attribution at the  
start of end of the document in a place were someone would be likely  
to look for it. You can licence the map anyway you like - Public  
Domain, CCBYSA, full copyright etc. Note that if you do need to update  
the mapping data itself then you need to make the improvements  
available to others. See Question xxx below for more details in this  

Let me know soon if you don't think that is a good idea!



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