On 15 Sep 2009, at 00:59, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Hi,
> TimSC wrote:
>> The next question that occurs is can OS
>> reverse their view or is an FOI binding in some way.
> I'd say they can probably always backtrack, but they cannot blame you
> for taking this answer as face value and start using OOC maps. It is
> just five years difference anyway, so if you start using the maps on  
> 1st
> January 2011 and they find out in 2012 and ask you to remove your  
> stuff,
> you just have to drag the process for a while and you're clear  
> again ;-)

Can I suggest that you copy your request/response to the Out of  
copyright page in the UK maps section on the wiki so we don't loose  
it. Do also provide a reference back the this thread.

It could also be good to register it with WhatDoTheyKnow although I am  
not sure how one does that.

I agree with TimSC - it would be very hard for them to argue against  
their own advice in court and I think we can safely take their  
response at face-value. Good work!



> Bye
> Frederik
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