On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Jukka Rahkonen
<jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:
> Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@...> writes:
>> > > From: paul everett <tap...@...>
>> > > What happens if the user imports an OSM file and I convert it to a
>> > > virtual city model ?
>> Then the city model has to be licensed the same way as the OSM data. At
>> least, that is the current interpretation of the license.
> But if the data will be moved under ODbL next spring then the city model will
> perhaps be interpreted to be a Produced work and it could be licensed in any 
> way
> you want.  In that case you will need to make the database you have used for
> producing city models available under ODbl. It may mean that you must publish
> the procedure you are using for converting data from OSM format to some 
> interim
> format that your city modeler component is using. If that is the piece of
> intelligence you are using for earning your living, be careful.

i don't think anywhere in the ODbL it says that. if you distribute a
produced work based on a derived database then you have to distribute
the derived database. it was suggested that, in addition to the named
methods of a) distributing a full dump or b) distributing a diff
between the derived and original, a third method be added which is
publishing the procedure.

this *doesn't* mean that anyone has to open their source code or their
secret procedures, just that they're limiting their options for
distributing derived databases to either full dumps or diffs. ODbL
might be a viral license, but it's only viral to data, never software.



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