On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Matt Amos <zerebub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> > Okay, so if company C makes derived database and gives it to company D,
> then
> > company D creates tiles with that database, company D has to offer the
> > database to anyone who receives the tiles, right?
> yes, if D is a subcontractor of C. otherwise both C and D must offer it.

What constitutes being a subcontractor?  Subcontractor as in "work for
hire"?  C has to offer it to whom?  I thought C only has to offer the
database to D.

"You must also offer to recipients of the Derivative Database or Produced

So, if Company C makes a derived database, and gives it to Company D, and
Company D makes a Produced Work, and gives it to Company E, Company C has to
offer Company E the Derivative Database?

> Can users decline the offer, in which case I can delete the database?  Can
> I
> > give users the option to download the database immediately or to decline
> the
> > offer, so I don't have to keep historical data around indefinitely?
> it's not necessary to keep historical data. and you don't have to keep
> dumps around either. the offer is pretty much "if you contact me, i'll
> give you my database as close as i can to the version you used". if
> you practically can't keep the dumps, then that's not a problem.
> if you delete all records of the database, then your only options are
> to recreate it, or reveal the method used to create it.

So, you kind of didn't answer my question.  If I distribute a produced work,
can I ask the recipient "Do you want the data?", and if they say no, then I
never have to worry about them coming back and saying "okay, now I want the

I guess if I have to offer even downstream recipients the database, it
doesn't much matter.  That person might say they don't want the data, and
then give the produced work to a friend, who then calls me on the phone and
demands the data.
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