
Alexrk wrote:
> You might like AZ (or Falk or whatever) or not - but please don't 
> underestimate 
> the creative work of cartographers. Making a good readable, fine-looking 
> paper 
> map is far more than installing Mapnik, choosing some color styles and 
> pressing 
> the render-button.

I know.

> Why making to much assumptions or restriction regarding the kind of business 
> models evolving behind OSM? I think it's not a good attitude to say, we don't 
> like or respect this or that usage of OSM because it's too old school, it's 
> not 
> Web 2.0 or ..geez.. someone claims his own license for his IP (damn 
> capitalist ;-)).

I am also of the opinion that it is desirable to give people as much 
freedom in working with our data as possible, so you are preaching to 
the choir here.

But not everyone in our project will agree that the concept of "IP" is a 
good thing. You seem to be relatively sure about the idea that anything 
you add on top of OSM data is yours and yours alone - but if you take 
your finished A-Z product, and remove from it the data taken from OSM, 
and remove from it the tricks you have learned from the old masters when 
you studied cartography (surely that's their "IP", no?), and remove from 
it the nicely matching colour palettes that you have downloaded from a 
web site, and remove from it the font which has taken someone a full 
year to design, and remove from it the work of Mercator and those who 
came before him... is your own contribution in all of this really so 
large that it warrants that you should get 100% of the credit and revenue?

I think that "IP" is grossly overestimated and overused in our society. 
Recently I used the tube in London and saw that even there some group of 
lawyers had an ad campaign aimed at people who think they "are up to 
something" and need that protected. I have had to sign countless NDAs in 
my life only for people to divulge stuff that any thinking person could 
come up with.

Incidentally that it also the reason why I am against share-alike 
licenses - because they are rooted in IP, in the idea that our work of 
recording stuff around us somehow entitles us to dictate our terms and 
conditions to others. Just like you think that it is of course "all 
yours" if you design a good map from OSM data, OSMers assert that it is 
"all theirs". I find both positions morally questionable.


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