James Livingston <lists@...> writes:

>Using my account I have added data that is under various licences, some of 
>will and some of which won't be compatible with ODbL. To be able to keep any of
>it, I'll presumably need to split my changesets up.

If Francis Davey's answer in another thread on this list is correct
<http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap.legal/5883> then you do
not need to do that.  All that's needed is to agree that the data is allowed
under the current licence terms (i.e. CC-BY-SA).  So you can click Accept to the
1.2.4 contributor terms anyway, if you wish to support the change.

It would be useful to have some way of labelling which changesets are ODbL-
compatible and which are not.  I guess that is a separate problem which would
need to be addressed if and when there was a change of licence.

Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>

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