Michael Collinson <mike@...> writes:

> Hi Jukka,
> Yes, it is still in use and we read everything and we we do try to 
> respond. Have we missed something?
> Mike
> License Working Group

It is just about a proper way of attributing OSM in a Web Feature Service (WFS).
I posted a question first to this mailing list on May 16th and then to the
members of License Working Group on May 20th and another try on June 1st. Not so
hurry to get an answer, I just wanted to know that the question has arrived and
the working group is aware about it. The service itself is up and configured now
so that the WFS service metadata includes links to OSM license page. I have also
a separate web page describing the service and OSM license in mentioned there as
well with.

Service metadata is always available from
and it contains AccessConstraints section with the following text

Contains Map data from OpenStreetMap contributors
under CC-BY-SA license 
Additional OpenStreetMap constraints 
Contains spatial data from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
under NLS open license

The data from the service do not necessarily contain any hint about the origin
of the data or the licenses. In WFS users are supposed to chech such things from
the service metadata. However, WFS services can be used without studying the
metadata throughly. An example of direct data access and the output:

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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