Am 08.06.2011 18:59, schrieb Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer:
> Hi Grant,
> thanks for assuring me that the sysadmins have no interest in participating 
> in 
> behaviour that is harmful to the community.
> Does this mean that I will not be chucked out of the community by the 
> sysadmins?
> I am willing to grant the OSFM + 2/3 of the community the right to relicense 
> my contributions in the following ways:
> * the current versions of the ODbL and/or of the CC-BY-SA,
> * all past and future versions of the ODbL and/or of the CC-BY-SA,
> * all licenses that follow the Share-Alike/Copyleft principle, and
> * all other licenses if I am contacted and do not object within 6 weeks.

I'm sorry, but as another contributor to the project I cannot accept
that, since I find it unacceptable for you to have a say on data "of
yours" that has since been modified so much your original contribution
is barely visible. That would essentially make your contribution more
important than all the other contributions. Just because you made the
edit first does not mean anyone else of the later contributors couldn't
have done so themselves.
So I'd like to adapt your terms in a more fair way towards the other
contributors possibly affected by your decision:

|I am willing to grant the OSMF backed by a 2/3 majority of the
|community the right to relicense my contributions, insofar as they are
|not older than five years and largely unmodified in the current
|version of the database, in the following ways:
|[same as above]
|For contributions that are older than five years or significantly
|modified since my original contribution I will not object to any
|license change voted for by 2/3 of the active community.

This of course subject to refinement, but I think I made my point clear:
"old" contributions are not per se more valuable than "new" ones, I'd
say more the other way around, since it's the active mapping that brings
the project forward, and decisions about contributions that have been
improved over and over again should not be able to be vetoed by just one
of the contributors.


Dirk-Lüder "Deelkar" Kreie
Bremen - 53.0901°N 8.7868°E

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