First of all I must say that I highly respect the work of everyone who has been actively involved in the licence change, including the LWG members, the writers of licence change inspection programs and everyone involved in discussions.

I have been watching the process for more than two years and have ever since been a supporter of the change.

However, especially since the switchover date has been announced and the phase of remapping has started, I have become more and more skeptical about the way things are going on. I want to discuss a couple of concerns I have.

1. The black box

As far as I can see the details of the implementation of the licence change, i.e. of what is actually going to happen on April 1st, are not known - or at least not revealed. Correct me if I am wrong.

Particularly, the wiki page „What is clean?“[1], which has been said to be the binding document, is in its current state not sufficient to serve as a reference for any measures regarding the cleaning of data: * The considerations in the section „Edge cases“ are only a random selection of cases that have been discussed. Neither conditional stetements like „if it can be seen not to influence the current version“ nor questions like „Can you copyright the state of something not being there?“ (rhetorical?) are helpful. The list somewhat lacks a systematic approach. * The „deletion paradox“ is, as it has been pointed out on the discussion page, no paradox at all (rather it depends on the strategy of cleaning). * The section „What taints data?“ repeats the above-mentioned list, but is differently (better) structured and different in content. Statements in this list, however, contradict, or supersede, previous statements („A tag modified by a non-agreeing mapper is tainted“, whereas: correcting a tagging typo is not tainted). Furthermore the list contains instructions, which should not be the case in a mere specification of what is clean. The clause saying that intermediate versions should be created during remapping (a) does not belong here and (b) is questionable, as it is based on assumptions regarding the implementation of switchover, which has not yet been decided upon. * There should be rationales explaining for each statement why it is so and not different.

Basically I think that this document needs a rewrite that shall contain unambiguous statements preceded by precise definitions. In order to get there, however, we must of course have a discussion.

2. Getting clear about taintedness

IANAL. But I like to approach problems in a systematical manner. For example, I recently asked myself the question, „What is a copyrightable object in OSM?“. I think this is a fundamental question to answer if you discuss licence topics.
Is a node copyrightable?
If yes, what's copyrightable about it?
What's copyrightable about a way?
Is the list of references to nodes copyrightable separately from the way's tags? Are references to nodes atomic? (I.e. Is a single reference copyrightable? Or is only the list as a whole?) Sorry for the rhetoric, but these questions do bother me. I believe they have to be answered prior to discussing which kinds of modifications to what object have what effect (-> taintedness). And when that has been settled, we can talk about measures.

All in all I think that the approach to the whole thing so far has been too pragmatic, just like identifying edge cases and modeling something around it. Of course, this might somehow work and the result might even be satisfying, but to me it doesn't seem appropriate in a legally significant matter like this.

3. Remapping

Considering that neither the definitions of what is clean and what is tainted nor the technical details of the implementation have yet been finalized, it seems unreasonable for me to remap. I don't want to discover later that I have done unnecessary work. Besides, current remapping practice is completely based on the available inspection tools that implement - more or less precisely - a taintedness policy that is still in draft status. For this reason I also refuse to use the odbl=clean tag.

Now I could elaborate a lot more. But the purpose of my post actually is to start a discussion, and I am asking you. Me too wants the licence change to be a success. So let's go.



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