Am 28.01.2012 08:47, schrieb Mike Dupont:

> then I determined that I will not be able to accept the terms because
> someone, who is a Hasardeur in my humble opinion, decided to break
> compatiblity with the existing license and then, break from the idea
> that I own my data and ask me to hand over them ownership.

I sort-of feel responsible for "my areas" of the map, but I wouldn't go
so far as to call it "my data". I contribute to this map, because I want
free and open Geodata, for that to occur you need to put your data into
the hands of the community of which you and I are a part. So I hope you
understand when I call your opinion to be quite selfish and even offensive.

The so-called loss of data is lost already, because it stands in the way
of many innovative and good uses of "our" map data.

CC 4.0 will not solve that.

> these two things, mean that I cannot accept the CT and I cannot also
> understand how people reached such a decision. It also means that any
> data imported under the old license must be removed.

I'm not afraid of any data loss, because I know our community can deal
with it, I joined the project when the community consisted of about 10k
contributors and I had to start off alone in a 400k inhabitants city.

It worked the first time, it will work a second time. Not with the same
people probably, because some already left the project, some will be
demotivated by the data "loss". but filling in gaps is really much
quicker done than starting from scratch.


Dirk-Lüder "Deelkar" Kreie
Bremen - 53.0901°N 8.7868°E

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