2012/2/13 Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch>:
> Well essentially CC-by only imposes attribution so it is doable.
> But in any case: is the import listed in the import catalogue?
> If not, I would respectfully ask the DWG to summarily delete the data (the
> "enforce" bit of my previous posting).

there is different imports going on, some of them for years now. Data
is split up in small chunks and uploaded by local mappers after a
manual merge in JOSM. As far as I have seen the imports seem to be
listed, but if they weren't I'd rather ask the people doing the import
to list them then asking DWG to delete. There have also been mapping
parties to improve the imported material.

Recently some of the mappers doing the import wrote on the italian
list that he had been approached by someone who wrote having detected
suspicious things happening and asking him to discuss on the imports
list and that his imports might get deleted. These imports are openly
discussed on the italian mailing list for years (I guess they started
even before the imports mailing list was set up) and there seems broad
consensus by the local mappers (at least those that write in the list)
to do them.

I agree it is necessary in some areas of the world (where there is no
local community) to check for death data poured in automatically, but
even if I am not totally convinced that these Italian imports are a
good thing, I do believe that the local community wants them.


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