On 07/03/12 08:16, Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 03/07/12 04:06, Steve Bennett wrote:
   Given that many people are now actively remapping, is there any
prospect of pushing back the cutover deadline?

If there really are people actively remapping and our rushing through the license change would sabotage their work and alienate them then yes, we should postpone for a month or two. Sadly, here in Germany many people are of the opposite opinion and they say "let's wait until after the license change, and then see what's missing and fix it". I would much prefer people to remap now but it seems that remapping is not for everyone.

The current graphs - http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/munin.html - point steadily downwards but if you extrapolate you'll see that they are unlikely to reach zero before autumn.

Is there any reason not
"If we wait another month then 5% more data can be remapped" is not a solid reason, and neither is "I'm sure Foursquare would be unhappy to lose a few roads in the US". These reasons are especially bad because they an be repeated month after month and thus could make the process drag on endlessly.

I agree. Another reason not to is that the looming deadline is actually motivating people to stop waiting for CT-undecideds to respond and do remapping - I know it's motivating me and other people I've talked to. Take away the deadline and you demotivate remappers, while also putting off the contribution from the wait-and-sees as Frederik says.

I suspect that we'll see the highest rates of remapping work in the few weeks immediately before and after the deadline. For that, we need the deadline.


Dr Jonathan Harley   :    Managing Director    :   SpiffyMap Ltd

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