On talk-gb Nick Whiteleg recently announced what initially seemed to be some good news , that Hampshire County Council have released their Rights of Way data under the OS OpenData licence.

However, my initial thoughts, and those of Robert Whittaker, was that this might not seem as good news as at first appeared, because the OS OpenData is not compatible with ODbL, and OSM had to seem explicit permission from OS for the use of their data to be covered by OSM's ODbL licence. Since this explicit agreement only covered the OS products, it seemed to be, and Robert, that this could not be extended to the Hampshire County Council (HCC) Rights of Way (ROW) data.

I did have one further thought, which was that I could not see how HC ROW data could be released under the OS OpenData (OSOD) licence, since the OSOD licence is quite explicit in that in covers "use of OS OpenData made available at https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/opendatadownload/products.html and at http://data.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ ", and its difficult to see how this could cover HCC data.

However I am now wondering if the statement on HCC web site [1] "The data has been published as Open Data under the Ordnance Survey Open Data Licence." is in fact a slightly badly worded statement.

A possible scenario which occurs to me is as follows:

HCC used OS Opendata to derive the HSS ROW data. By this I mean that HCC used the OS VectorMapDistrict rasters, over which they then drew the ROW data which HCC had from their definitive statements.

By doing this HCC were bound by the terms of the OSOD licence.

When HCC state "The data has been published as Open Data under the Ordnance Survey Open Data Licence" I wonder what they actually mean is something along the lines of "The data has been published as Open Data with the additional provisions required under the Ordnance Survey Open Data Licence".

If this scenario is correct, then it would seem to me that the data is OK to use in OSM. But it would need clarification from HCC that this is what they meant.


[1] http://www3.hants.gov.uk/communications/mediacentre/mediareleases.htm?newsid=534104

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