Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdreist@...> writes:

> I wonder if data you download now or did so in the past from OSM
> servers can be used as PD data. There are some users who have publicly
> declared that they consider their contributions to OSM to be in the
> public domain. For simplicity I'd like to restrict this question to
> users who have either made this declaration in their user description
> or have linked their wiki account from their user description (i.e. it
> is clear, which OSM username the declaration was made for and that the
> user was the owner of this account).
> Is it possible to download this data from OSM servers (or
> mirrors/extracts/elaborations from this) under a cc-by-sa or ODbL
> license and still consider it PD due to the dual licensing, the user
> has expressed he wishes his data to be under?

There are no such data in OSM. PD declaration in the user page is just a
manifest but it does not have any real meaning.

Discussion about PD was directed into a special legal-general mailing list in
October, 2008.

Best place to read about OSM and PD is still the legal-talk archives from the
the same time, October 2008

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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