On 17/01/13 10:06, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2013/1/17 Jeff Meyer <j...@gwhat.org <mailto:j...@gwhat.org>>

    from http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright:

    "For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the
    corner of the map. For example:

below there is this paragraph:

      Finding out more

Read more about using our data, and how to credit us, at theLegal FAQ <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Legal_FAQ>.

On that page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Legal_FAQ#3a._I_would_like_to_use_OpenStreetMap_maps._How_should_I_credit_you.3F

"where to put it" : "For a *browsable electronic map* (e.g. embedded in a web page or mobile phone application), the credit should appear in the corner of the map, as commonly seen with map APIs/libraries such as Google Maps, or an about box/page."


The Copyright page used to match the Legal FAQ, but was changed a month or two ago without prior discussion on this list. There has been some subsequent discussion of it on this list and also last week on the IRC channel.

I (and others) don't think it's reasonable to demand that the credit is "in the corner" in all circumstances. On mobile devices there may not be room. It may obscure the map. It may not be easily readable; it would usually look better and be more readable on a plain, non-map background. If the map provider doesn't put their own credit in the corner of the map, why should OSM's be there? The ODbL just says the credit should be prominent - so if there are any other credits, I think it would be reasonable for us to mandate that the OSM credit has the same prominence as those.

We don't require OSM-derived maps to be rectangular. Let's not limit ourselves to just doing whatever Google do. I think someone with the editing rights to do so should put the Copyright page back into line with the FAQ. Having them disagree just says "OSM is confused about this".

For the same reason, I agree that the mobile version of OSM should have a reference to the copyright message somewhere, like the web version does.


Dr Jonathan Harley   :    Managing Director    :   SpiffyMap Ltd

m...@spiffymap.com      Phone: 0845 313 8457     www.spiffymap.com
The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Road, Coventry CV4 7EZ, UK

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