Am 29.04.2013 11:27, schrieb Simon Poole:

Am 29.04.2013 11:14, schrieb Henning Scholland:
Am 29.04.2013 10:42, schrieb Simon Poole:
However in the current
case I doubt that there is actually something useful for OSM left once
the names are gone.
If the information "There is a village" stays in OSM, it would be useful at all. If you are travelling through Turkey, it's good to know, where the next village is. In most cases you find there a little store or at least you find there people, that can help you.

I think if a place-node was moved, then at least the place=*is verified by another source and could stay in OSM with the new coordinates.

I would agree that there is some value in having "naked" place nodes. However considering that at best we are talking about 2-3k such nodes surviving it is a question if doing an imagery based "add a place" drive or similar for Turkey after the redaction wouldn't be more efficient.

Yes, maybe this would be a better solution.

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