I wonder if we have a strategy how to deal with companies who use our data
but don't attribute in the right way or don't adhere to the license terms.

In the past we had Apple (still unsolved, at least since April 2012) and
Microsoft (using military areas from OSM to blur their imagery), now there
is the biggest German map editor (MairDumont) who is not mentioning the
license of the used data, nor linking to OSM or spelling out the name
See here:

By rough analysis it seems as if they are using April 2012 data (cc-by-sa)
outside German speaking countries, while they use a different (proprietary)
source in Germany, Austria and maybe other countries.

Their Attribution is unclear in several ways:

1. They don't mention the license (cc-by-sa or odbl), if you click on the
license link you get to a page on their website that encourages you to
enquire about the costs for a print license, but no mention of any openness.

2. The "terms of use"-link goes to google (from whom they use the API). ->
IMHO misleading

As far as I have found until now on their map and website there is no link
or mention of OSM other than the attribution (c) 2013 Falk, OSM &
Contributors, (c) 2013 KOMPASS Karten GmbH (DTK600  10).

OK, I missed the "i"-link, there is additional attribution, even more
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© 2013 Google
© 2013 CloudMade - Map data CCBYSA 2009


IMHO this is misleading, as you can't tell whether the data comes from
Google or Cloudmade or any other of the mentioned companies (and if it was
cloudmade, still 2009 would not be the correct date, and Cloudmade isn't
OSM-> still missing attribution).

I followed the link to hubermedia and clicked on ecmaps-online, also there
is no link to OSM nor the name spelled out.

What are the concatenation (?) requirements for attribution? Is it OK to
generally quote a lot of different map data providers without specifying
which part of the map is from whom, and if yes, how could one exercise his
right to share if you don't know to which part it applies?

And: are we generally willing to try to enforce the license? What are the
measures foreseen if someone refuses to do so?

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