This comes to me via Simon Poole, so the OSMF board is aware.

The invention claimed is a "A computer-implemented method" so I am not sure scan-reading the patent whether that includes humans looking at digital imagery and making db corrections via computer. If so, then obviously (our) prior art is going to blow this apart. If not, then anyone working on automated road detection algorithms should be aware.

Interestingly, if you scroll down through the patent itself, you'll see that they specifically mention correcting US TIGER data.



Map data are overlaid on satellite imagery. A road segment within the map data is identified, and the satellite imagery indicates that the road segment is at a different geographic position than a geographic position indicated by the map data. The endpoints of the road segment in the map data are aligned with the corresponding positions of the endpoints in the satellite imagery. A road template is applied at an endpoint of the road segment in the satellite imagery, and the angle of the road template that matches the angle of the road segment indicated by the satellite imagery is determined by optimizing a cost function. The road template is iteratively shifted along the road segment in the satellite imagery. The geographic position of the road segment within the map data is updated responsive to the positions and angles of the road template.

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