
On 11/19/2015 08:51 AM, Lars-Daniel Weber wrote:
> Three days are gone and still no discussion about this topic.

I think that as long as no external sources are used, and there's just a
clever preprocessing that runs a couple of spatial analyses on the OSM
data, generating other OSM data from OSM data, I'd say it passes as a
trivial transformation and it is totally OK for the operator of the site
to say: "It's OSM data, you can download it from OSM".

I would have a stronger opinion if it were a case where external data is
mixed with OSM to create an "added value" product - but if someone just
mangles the OSM data a bit, I'm tempted to view that as part of the

I think you are right in expecting an answer from the site operator
(instead of just not receiving any answer) but I think that answer
should be "my data is from planet.openstreetmap.org, you can download it
from there."

You said that you have made several requests to the site operator to
hand over the data. Has *any* of them been a polite request where you
did not express your assumed entitlement to receive it ("Dear XXX could
I perhaps have a copy of the data"), or have they been like ("Hello XXX
your data is ODbL hence you must give it to me") from the start?

I trust this satisfies your desire for a discussion about this topic.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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