Well IMHO none of this is relevant, as we do not claim any rights in
individual elements in our database.

As a result every single operation for itself is completely OK. The
issues start when you (and I include any method of work splitting in
that) do any of them systematically in a way that is no longer

Any data you directly created yourself remains yours naturally and while
there is a bit of fuzziness around the question of what applies to the
copy in the OSM database itself, you can do with that what you want
(assuming you weren't creating something that depended on already
existing OSM data).



Am 03.12.2017 um 13:48 schrieb Jo:
> Time to open up a whole new fresh can of worms....
> Call me werid, but I like the idea of cooperation between opendata
> projects, but differences in licensing don't make this exactly easy.
> So here goes.
> Let's start with a node.
> a)
> I add a node (say for a school) to OSM. Since it's coming from an
> import (or I surveyed it myself) I have more details and I'd like to
> add those details to wikidata as well.
> I look at the imagery and find the school grounds and place a node
> somewhere in the middle. So I'm the one who determined the
> coordinates. If I want to share them to wikidata that should be fine.
> In the reference field of wikidata I create a source reference
> "reference url" and set it to the url Ctrl-Shift-I sends me to
> www.openstreetmap.org/node/12345678
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/12345678>
> b)
> Next case I draw a polygon around the school grounds and have JOSM
> determine the center point for the coordinates. This time I use
> www.openstreetmap.org/wat/12345678
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/wat/12345678> as the reference url.
> Again, I'm the one who determined the coordinates at the time of
> creation of the object on OSM.
> c)
> I find a street on OSM and want to add/update its position to/on
> wikidata. I take the 2 end points and determine the center. This time
> I reference back to the way on OSM, or if the way was splt, to the way
> segment nearest to the center point. There is nothing there at this
> point in OSM, usually the coordinates also don't correspond to any OSM
> object. I was not the creator of this street or its end nodes. odbl
> states I need to state the source, that was done using the refernce
> url pointing back to openstreetmap.org <http://openstreetmap.org>. Is
> this enough?
> d)
> 2 streets join on a node. wikidata has a property "connects with". I'd
> like to use the url fo the node as the source for the connection
> between these 2 roads. This time it's not about the coordinates, but
> about the fact one can get from one of those roads to another using
> that node. Is that OK to do, or should I find anoher source for this
> 'knowledge'.
> e)
> wikidata also has properties "coordinate of northernmost point"
> (easternmost, southernmost, westernmost). Can those be sourced to OSM
> (nodes)?
> Polyglot
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